Welcome to the HCR Homeowners Association Website

This Website is here to keep property owners of Horse Creek Ranch informed...
The Site contains information that can be used to help property owners in the Horse Creek Ranch area. Information like:
- what you, the property owner, will be able to do or can do for the Wildlife Management Plan on your Tract
- projects, How to's, or examples of what other property owners are doing around their property
- copies of Deed Restrictions for the Horse Creek Ranch area
- when Homeowners Association meetings are held
- events like BBQs and workshops and
- links to other helpful websites.
Current Notices
***Make sure to read the meeting minutes to stay up-to-date on what's going on in the Homeowner's Association***FUTURE OF HOA SURVEY FORM
For those that lost or never received the mailed copy of the survey form, you can download it here.
Monthly HOA Board Meeting!
Property Owners are eligible and encouraged to attend!
Date: March 18, 2025
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Gov. Pat Neff Community Center, 1415 Hwy 236
** Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month unless otherwise noted.
Fire & Police
Oglesby: (815) 883-3151 (Fire Dept)
Moody: (254) 853-2581 (Dispatch)
If no answer call (254) 757-5222
McGregor: (254) 840-2855 (Dispatch)
Flat: (254) 487-2523 (Fire Dept)
For EMERGENCIES call 911
This is an official website of Horse Creek Ranch.